I just logged onto Facebook and the first status I saw was that of Danielle, wondering what she should be for Halloween. Danielle, I find myself in a similar dilemma. It's going to be a budget Halloween, for sure. But I have a lot of crazy in my closet, so surely I can come up with something. For example, we have a variety of "hair hats" (thank you, Paige Evatt, for that delightful way to refer to wigs).
We have this hair hat:
Which doesn't help much because: (1) I am blonde (again) and (2) I can get my hair just as big as the wig (on a related note, there is an amazing t-shirt idea in there somewhere). So, we'll move on to this one:
Last year, I was Cher. So I am now the proud owner of this wig. I feel sure it can be recycled, though.
Now, the piece de resistance:
The real dream is to find a use for this wig. I mean, this is the dream. But I am currently at a loss for ideas. So any suggestions are welcome.
While I was writing this blog, Brandi and I had this conversation. I found it oddly fitting.
Brandi: She is a crazy hippie.
Me: Dude, that sucks. I love a pseudo-hippie, but the full-out hippie? Go away.
Brandi: Yeah, she has a purple stone tied tightly on a choker, like a witch.
Me: Nice.
Brandi: A million earrings. A ring on every finger and hair to her butt that's in a ponytail.
Me: Oh, so me the day I finally lose my shit?
Brandi: Lol, no. You will never wear clogs.
So, maybe I should be a hippie? But probably not. I'm not even wearing clogs for the sake of a costume. They are that awful.
So, you can see I have a major problem on my hands.
I found this on Pintrest today. I find it hilarious, but other people seemed to be offended by it. I guess they thought there are people out there who are legitimately in favor of teaching kids to accept drugs from strangers. It's a joke, people. Kids should only accept drugs from people they know. This is why I am a good mom.
dont ever stop writing betsi. i love you... hahaha "..this is why im a good mom" excelllent. haha.